In the share this week:
2 lbs rutabaga
1 lb mixed radishes
1 head radicchio
3 ounces ginger
1 bunch curly kale
2 sweet peppers
1 lb green tomatoes

Thoughts from Farmer Anna:
The first frost of the fall happened last Wednesday morning and it looks like the first freeze is coming tonight! We are working on getting the rest of the tomatoes out of the hoophouses today and we have a good amount of nice greens ones, so you'll see those in this week's share.
If you plan to make fried green tomatoes (which you probably should), it's really all about the dipping sauce. There are lots of variations for sauces, but this sriracha mayo would be delish:
We also got all of our ginger out of the ground this morning (pictured above). It's tough to grow ginger in this climate, but if you get it in the ground in May and let it grow as long as possible you can harvest some decently sized rhizomes. This fresh ginger is such a treat and incredibly flavorful. A little goes a long way, and if you don't plan to use the fresh ginger within a couple of weeks, you can freeze it and then grate off small amounts whenever you need it. Ginger is awesome in stir-fries, so if you still have some napa cabbage from last week, you could makes something with that. Or if you'd like to try something a little different, you could make this roast chicken with ginger and a side of fennel and radicchio salad:
Speaking of radicchio, this is another one of the new crops in your share this week. Radicchio is an italian salad green that's related to lettuce. It has an interesting bitterness, but gets sweeter with frosts this time of year. Radicchio can be eaten raw in salads or roasted (which is my preference because it tones down the bitterness and brings out the complex and sweet flavors). This veggies has developed a sort of cult following in the last few years, with some major devotees who love to try the many, many varieties of radicchio. Let us know what you think!