Q. How do I contact you if I have a question or problem?
The best way to get in touch is by email - rains.and.sun@gmail.com. You can also call our farm landline (859) 432-3641 or call or text Anna’s cell (859) 912-3762 if it is urgent.
Q. (Customizable Shares Only) How do I swap items in my share?
If you purchased a customizable share, you have the ability to swap items you don’t prefer for others that are available that week. I manage the store inventory so you will only see items that are available for swapping or adding on to a share. Here are the steps to customize your share:
Log on to your farmigo account (https://csa.farmigo.com/account/rainsandsunhilltopfarm)
Click the green ‘Store’ button toward the top right
Your shopping cart will already contain the default share items for the week, remove any items you do not want
Add in items you’d rather have from what is available in the store, aiming for the number of credits available that week (usually 20 credits, but will vary from 17-22 depending on the season)
If you would like to add more than your share’s 20 credits worth of items, you can certainly do so and the software will keep a balance for you to pay for those additional items later (https://csa.farmigo.com/pay/rainsandsunhilltopfarm).
Click ‘checkout’ to finalize your order!
Q. How do I add extra items to my share?
Both traditional and customizable share types are able to add extra items (beyond the default share) to their share when we have them available. These items are displayed in the store with credit values (1 credit = $1). Here are the steps to add items to your share:
Log on to your farmigo account (https://csa.farmigo.com/account/rainsandsunhilltopfarm)
Click the green ‘Store’ button toward the top right
Add items to your cart from what is available in the store (this may include some swapping of items if you have a customizable share)
The software will keep a balance for your extra items. I typically ask that folks pay their balance when it gets over about $25, which makes more sense than paying $3 here or $6 there when it’s an electronic payment. Payments on your balance can be made here (https://csa.farmigo.com/pay/rainsandsunhilltopfarm)
Click ‘checkout’ to finalize your order!
Q. How does share pick up work?
Your share is individually packed into a crate and labeled with your name and share info. You will receive a reminder email on the day of your share pick-up that includes the address of your pick up site along with specific details about where to find the crates. Please bring your own bags to transfer your veggies into and leave the crate for us.
Q. How does share home delivery work?
If you have chosen to have your shares delivered this year, we ask that you leave a cooler out for us to transfer your vegetables into. We will give you an approximate time window for delivery and you’ll receive a reminder email the morning of your share delivery.
Q. How do I suspend my share if I am on vacation?
You may put a temporary hold on your share up to 3 times during the season. The system will automatically default to giving you a double share on your next regularly scheduled pick up day. However, if you are getting a half share and would like your replacement share on your usual off week, just email us (rains.and.sun@gmail.com) and we’ll do that for you. Here are the steps to put a hold on your share:
Log on to your farmigo account (https://csa.farmigo.com/account/rainsandsunhilltopfarm)
Click the delivery hold tab under the ‘My Account’ heading
Enter the date range you will be out of town.
Q. How do I change my pick-up site?
Your pick-up site can be changed up to 24 hours before your next share. If you need to change your pick-up site, here are the steps:
Log on to your farmigo account (https://csa.farmigo.com/account/rainsandsunhilltopfarm)
In the summary box on the right side of the screen you will see your next pick up date and your pick up site under it. Click on the ‘change’ button next to ‘pick-up site’.
Select the new pick-up site from the options given.
If this is a temporary change, don’t forget to go back in and switch your site back before your next share.